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Home > SRIHM – Best Hotel Management college of Mumbai
SRIHM – Best Hotel Management college of Mumbai
Truly! The Best Hotel Management Institute of Mumbai is “Sheila Raheja Institute of Hotel Management”! This Institute is the Epitome of Success given the accolades the institute has received over the years, leading as the face of the Future Hospitality with its students enrolments always on the waitlist. The Institute was bestowed the ‘BEST HOSPITALITY INSTITUTE OF HOTEL MANAGEMENT COLLEGE – MUMBAI- 2015’, Accurate credibility based upon State-of-the-art Infrastructure, apart from the fully air-conditioned Classrooms & Kitchens it also includes an In-house Ice-cream machine and Chocolate Fondue Machine, Excellent qualified Faculties, Prestigious Placements, Highest quality Education, World-class alumni and Fabulous Industry engagements by large making it “The best Hotel Management Institute in Mumbai”. To get more information about the Hospitality courses offered by the Sheila Raheja Institute of Hotel Management, Mumbai: B.Sc. in Hospitality Studies B.A. in Culinary Arts This is only the tip of the Iceberg – This hotel management institute, in Mumbai, is also the only recognized HACCP Compliant Hotel Management Institute in India distinguishing it as the “The Best Hotel Management Institute in India”. Moreover, the visit to the college website was an eventful Journey displaying Fun & Frolic with Sheer Hard work and fruitful accomplishments at its core. Browsing through its E-Magazine was a sheer treat and worthy of its title as “The Best Hotel Management Institute of Mumbai” viewing the highlights of various Masterclass by World-Renowned Chefs and Famous Industry Celebrities enriching the knowledge of students and creating a platform to embark on a quest of a challenging career, thrilling events, theme lunches and theme dinners celebrating the Festivals of India like Lori, Hojmalo, Durga Pooja, Ganapati, Eid & Christmas – just to name a few, all organised by the students, Social activities such as Beach Cleaning, Visit to old-age homes and Joy of Giving to the Underprivileged during Diwali & Christmas Festival. The most striking fun part of the Learning was the Industry Visits to the Winery, Cheese factory, Specialized laundry, and an International Study Tour – Thailand is like the icing on the cake. On reading the observations, from the Alumni of SRIHM, we came across one very touching statement from a Student Alumni: “Any of these would not be possible without the Gurus, and the imprint they have left in my life is irreversible” I believe that SRIHM – Sheila Raheja Institute of Hotel Management has pledged this home of Hospitality to become the builders of our Nation, I am convinced that SRIHM is the best Hotel Management College in Mumbai.