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Sheila Raheja Institute of Hotel Management

Affiliated with University of Mumbai

Flower Arrangement Workshop

Flower Arrangement Workshop

13th of September

Flower arrangement, the art of arranging cut flowers in a way which makes them look attractive. On 13th of September, The Sheila Raheja Institute of Hotel Management (SRIHM) welcomed Ms. Priyanka Khandekar who gave the students of SYBsc an opportunity to learn the Japanese style of flower arrangement called ‘Ikebana’. ‘Ikebana’ is made up of 2 words ‘ikeru’ meaning ‘keep alive’ and ‘hana’ meaning flowers. Ms. Priyanka showed us 4 different designs of flower arrangements using a variety of flowers and greens such as baby’s breath or gypsy. The designs were made to suit different spaces and environments which showed the versatility of the Ikebana style. Moving forward, she taught the students about the theory of colors such as primary, secondary and tertiary colors and the harmony between them, that is how well they complement each other.  She showed us how to obtain secondary and tertiary colors using the primary colors and how we can use them in different color schemes such as analogous color scheme, extended analogous color scheme and complementary color scheme. This helped the students to understand what colors to use during the arrangement to bring out the full potential of each element.