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Sheila Raheja Institute of Hotel Management

Affiliated with University of Mumbai

Life at SRIHM


23rd January to 25th January 2023

The Seventh Edition of the National Budding Hospitality Competition (N.B.H.C.) was held from 23 to 25 January 2023 at the Auro University, Surat. The participants were budding hospitality students from all over India competing on an internationally modelled platform. The prime objective of the N.B.H.C. is to establish a professional platform where Hospitality and Culinary professionals across India could display their individual and combined skills and creative talent and learn, share, experience, partner, and network in a purely business-like and competitive environment. The event's objective is to provide a competitive platform for budding professionals to showcase their talent and skills at various levels of crafts and techniques.

This year 17 colleges from all over India participated in the Competition. The participants representing Sheila Raheja Institute of Hotel Management (SRIHM) were our students viz. Mr Ubaid Merchant and Mr. Param Vala from TY BACA, Ms. Simran D’cunha from SY BACA and Ms. Sharmin Damani and Ms. Ishika Karia from TYBSc (HS) participating in the prestigious competition. Chef Manoj Kamble accompanied and managed the students for the competition.

Our students participated enthusiastically for all the themes and won multiple awards for the same. Ms. Simran D’cunha was the winner (1st rank) for the Thematic Cake Decor Competition; Mr. Param Vala was the runner up (2nd rank) for Grab N Go; Mr. Param Vala, Ms. Simran D’cunha and Mr. Ubaid Merchant were jointly the runners up (3rd rank) for the Incredible India Competition; Mr. Ubaid Merchant and Mr. Param Wala were the winners (1st rank) of the Eggsperience Competition;Ms. Sharmin Damani and Ms. Ishika Karia were the 3rd prize winners of the Simulation Zone Competition and Mr. Param Vala was the winner (1st prize) for the Global Street Food Competition. SRIHM earned the reputation of winning the maximum awards for the competition!

Overall it was a victorious 3 days at Auro for our students as they triumphed in most of the competitions held there.