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Sheila Raheja Institute of Hotel Management

Affiliated to University of Mumbai

HACCP Compliant Food & Beverage Areas

Member Hotel & Restaurant Association Western India

Accredited by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC)

Eco friendly Housekeeping Practices

To make students aware about the new Eco friendly practices in Hotels a special seminar was set for the Third year B.Sc (Hospitality studies)  in college where Guests- Mrs. Harinakkshi Nair, a consultant for HVS sustainability and also an auditor and Trainer for ecotel certification along with Director of Housekeeping of Meluha the Fern Mrs. Vaishali Sinha addressed student about the latest ecotel policies practised in hotel and its importance in recent times.

Attendees : Mrs. Harinakkshi Nair -Consultant for HVS Sustainability, as an Auditor and Trainer for ECOTEL Certification. Mrs. Vaishali SInha – Director of Housekeeping at Meluha the Fern an Ecotel Hotel